I wanted to start this site because playing with make up is fun and because taking good care of your self is such a lovely, nourishing thing to do, but I was SO torn!
I didn’t want to be one of those sites that was promoting being superficial.
I didn’t want people to feel like they weren’t ok or valuable just the way they are without makeup.
So I was super torn on how to go about building this little corner of the web. I wasn’t sure if I was the right one to start a beauty site, since I wasn’t super intense about it.
But I see the avalanching trend of women feeling like they don’t look ok without make-up or surgery, and it breaks my heart for them –Especially the little ones.
By age 13, 80% of girls distort the way they look online. (Based on the research results from the U.S. surveying girls who use social media; US n-556 age 10-17.)
80 Percent!!!! That’s a freakin’ pandemic right there.
So I decided that maybe, just maybe it was ok to promote having fun with fun colors, glitter and all that jazz, and skin care products, etc. but in a way that also promotes loving yourself and making it about having fun and expressing your self and taking care of yourself instead of hating your body.
It is ok to love yourself with all your quirks, and we will be exploring that on this site. It’s a message I feel super passionate about actually, which I didn’t think I was until I started digging into building this store.
So now there is another place in the beauty world where you can come and:
- start enjoying your journey of beauty again (I know the trend has started years ago and was happy about that),
- using products you can feel great about (we will do our best to sell products that are of the highest quality without toxic chemicals),
- and a place where you can explore what it means to be beautiful in way that doesn’t promote hating yourself like some companies do for the sake of greed.
Remember you are amazing just the way you are, and you deserve to be loved just for being you! AND it’s also fun to play with color and express yourself. 🙂