Learning To Love Yourself

It’s crazy how much of makeup is fun and exciting but sad how so many people in this world don’t think they can be love-able just the way they are.

Yes, I understand status can be enhanced when you match societies definitions of beauty, but those are fickle and go in and out of style.

Clothing going in and out of style? — Fine! That is fun, you get to try new things and it doesn’t permanently damage or change your body and the risks are super low — unless you feel you need to change your body to fit the clothes.

Actual body shapes going in and out of style?! Who decided? Why do people feel pressured to conform? This is such a deep and wide topic there is no way to cover it in only one article, but the basics are that it ends up being dangerous to many — through starvation diets, extreme surgeries with risky complications and long recovery times, etc.

At the same time everyone is each on their own journey, and judging someone for the decisions they make might seem simple from the outside, but I guarantee that if you had the same problems and situation it wouldn’t seem so easy in actuality.

I’m not here to judge anyone for what their personal beauty journey is.

Definitly research well what you are looking into, so you can make the best choice for you and not regret it later.

Also, take time to explore why you feel you need to change yourself to be acceptable. There is a very important book written by a plastic surgeon who explored why some of his patients got surgury and it was a transformative experience that changed their lives completely, and for other patients they didn’t feel better at all and stayed depressed and upset with their bodies. (I’ll find the title again and list it here soon.)

We definitly need to be looking into and exploring the emotional and mental aspects of self love and beauty and why we believe the things we do!

This site is about making beauty about health, loving yourself, having fun with makeup and expressing yourself, and accepting yourself.

You really are love-able. You don’t have to match someone else’s idea of beauty to be acceptable, attractive, appreciated, or admired. You just need to be you. 🙂

Here are resources you can use to help you in your journey. Remember everyone’s experience is unique and what you need might be different than what someone else needs, but we can explore together and redifine what makes us valuable.












The Fuzzy Leg Experiment, to follow the link click the title.


Come back soon for updates and more resources added to this page and other parts of the site as we grow and as we find more juicy info to help you feel good in your body!

Look for more articles coming soon about the science of attraction, beauty, and all things beauty!

Remember that YOU are amazing!Â